Getting Ready to Learn
Belmont Nursery School takes part in the Getting Ready to Learn initiative. We cover themes which aim to help parents support their children as they grow. These themes are:
Big Bedtime Read
Big bedtime read focusses on developing parents understanding of importance of reading to young children building not only a love of language and foundation for future learning but also strengthening bonds between parent and child. We host a big bedtime read in school during the month of December.
In Belmont Nursery School we provide a home lending library where children and parents are free to choose reading books to enjoy at home.
Ages and Stages
In this theme we concentrate on how children are developing and if there are any concerns or issues. Parent can raise concerns at our mid-year parent teacher meeting and teachers can offer advice and support as necessary. We offer home learning packs as part of this theme, particularly focusing on different areas of the preschool curriculum. Staff will give advice on how to use the packs and many parents have reported great successes with using them at home.
Happy Healthy Kids
This theme is integral to everything we do at Belmont Nursery School. We continually offer parents advice around their child's eating, lifestyle and sleeping habits. Parents regularly approach staff informally to seek advice but also during parent teacher consultations. We have a particular focus on the benefits of exercise for preschool children and also provide home learning packs to encourage physical activity.